10 Tips on Scheduling for Full Time Online Learning You Have to Implement Right Now!

Written by Domantas Vanagas

January 6, 2022

Online learning has been cast to the forefront of discussion, given that it is a much more common activity for people to be engaged in than ever before. The pandemic forced a lot of people to have to adapt to online learning in a hurry. Schools were shuttered, and many students were told that the new way they would take their lessons would be with the assistance of a virtual classroom. There is a lot of debate about how much students can learn in this type of environment, but it doesn’t seem likely that this learning method will go away anytime soon. We all need some tips on scheduling for full-time online learning. 

Those learning to adapt to this need to know what they can do to best manage their time for online learning. If they can manage their time, they can potentially get much more out of the online learning experience than they did before. Therefore, we need to review some tips on scheduling for full-time online learning. 

What Will Help You Manage Time When Online Learning?

Many elements will come into play when looking at how to make the most of online learning time. A lot of it comes down to creating a space ideal for learning and utilizing the resources available to you at home.

home interior

You may not realize that you probably already have the tools in your home to learn in a virtual environment. If there are certain things you are missing, you can probably purchase them at a reasonable price or even see if the school will help pitch in to cover these expenses. Let’s take a look now at why scheduling is important and some of the best tips on schedule for full-time online learning.

10 tips on how to schedule for full-time online learning

1. Make A Plan

You are nowhere if you don’t formulate a plan for how to get your various tasks accomplished—those who strategize and create a plan effectively o schedule their online learning timare the time in control.

This means you should try to get a planner or calendar (whichever you prefer) to keep with you at your desk, ready to go. You can write down every important date, deadline, and scheduling change during your day. School tends to have a lot of deadlines for students to meet, and failure to meet those deadlines can adversely impact their grades. Thus, it would be best if you had a daily schedule and a plan for how you will balance your day when you are working your way through virtual school. 

If you don’t already have one lying around, you should know that a planner is highly affordable and will more than pay for itself when it comes to saving you from the stress of not knowing when things are due. Make it a top priority to get your hands on one of these planners as soon as possible. They are so useful, and you don’t want to panic when you forget the deadline for an assignment. 

2. Create A Separate Space For Studying In Your Home

Virtual learning means learning from the comfort of your home, but that doesn’t mean you get away with treating everything so casually. People who have gone through virtual learning for some time now say that thhaveuve a separate area in their home for home students. 

The human mind is a funny thing, but it tends to like to have separate areas for relaxing and working/studying. If you can set up an environment where learning is the primary goal, then your brain will appreciate the effort you put into this, and it will reward you by making it easier to focus on your studies in that area. Failure to do so could mean you end up easily distracted and unable to accomplish your daily goals. Take this as one of the more important tips for scheduling full-time online learning. 

3. Stick To A Routine

Wake up, eat breakfast, read the news, and start learning. Maybe this will be your routine when you are working on online learning. No matter the precise nature of the routine you establish, the important thing is that you get a routine that works for you and you stick to it. 

breakfast plate

A repetitive day is a day where one knows exactly what they are doing at each stage of the day, and they get a lot more accomplished because of that predictability. A chaotic day is one in which there is no routine, and they are still expected to get somehow everything done. That does not work, putting people behind the 8-ball when accomplishing all they were supposed to do. You need to allow yourself to enjoy repeating a routine to get in the flow you need for effective learning. 

4. Track Your Results

The best way to learn if a routine or time management tactic is working for you is to track the results it produces. Are you seeing steady results with improvement along the way? If that is the case, then great! If you are not seeing those great strides in your favor, then perhaps it is time to change the routine you have been working with and try to accomplish better results going forward. The only way to truly know where you stand is to track the results you achieve and see how they stack up. 

You can track results such as your ability to focus, your scores on tests/quizzes, or even how much work you can accomplish in a given day. Your primary responsibility is to ensure that you find the method that works for you. Once you do, use that same method each day. 

5. Get Away From Multi-Tasking

This is a hard one for many students to accept for many reasons. One of the issues is that they have constantly been told that multi-tasking is a good thing, and the other is that multi-tasking seems so natural to them at this point. Many things are demanding their attention at any given point, and it can be hard to say “no.” 

Northeastern University produced a piece about this, and they recommend the following: 

“If you need help staying focused, consider creating lists using a project management tool, such as Trello or Smartsheet, to help organize tasks. If you prefer a traditional to-do list, look at digital notebooks like Todoist, ClickUp, or Evernote.”

They point out that the students who currently get their work done effectively are those one task at a time. 

6. Reward Yourself For Good Work 

There is no joy in grinding away on your assignments every day if you don’t stop to reward yourself for your hard work from time to time. People deserve to occasionally pat themselves on the back for the consistent effort they put into their assignments. You cannot continue operating at your peak level if you always grind yourself into the dirt until the tasks are done.

Instead, try to notice when you have done exceptionally well and reward yourself for doing so. 

man receiving an award

The reward someone gives themselves for great work as a student doesn’t have to be anything major. They could allow themselves some extra TV time at night or an extra helping of dessert. They should be in good shape if they are backing up their good work with some positive rewards. 

7. Never Forget The Power Of Sleep

There are many reasons to focus on getting a good night’s sleep every night. People sometimes discount the vitality of sleeping well, but they tend to be missing the point entirely if they don’t see just how much sleep plays a factor in their life, and they may be doing some long-term damage to their bodies and mind if they sacrifice too much sleep too often. 

The Sleep Foundation says that sleep is essential to our body’s ability to recover from the day and to function at a high cognitive level for the next day. If you deny sleep, you will probably experience brain fog, an inability to focus, and much more. It would be best if you tried to do whatever you could to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night as often as possible. 

8. Get Rid Of Distractions

Set a timer and ensure you can focus on what you need to do for a concentrated period. Distractions will pull us in different directions at the same time, but we must do whatever we can to block those distractions. If you can, take your phone and place it out of your line of vision, so it is not a temptation for you when you are trying to get things done. 

person playing with a rubik cube while working

Some people swear by the Pomodoro timer method. This is a method whereby one sets a timer for a set period (often around 25 minutes) and then works the entire time the timer is running. They don’t allow themselves to be pulled away by distractions, which helps them accomplish more and get through the work they know they need to do. It is not the easiest thing in the world to train your body and mind to work this way, but it is what you need to do for maximum results. 

9. Ask For Help When Necessary With Your Online Learning Tasks

Everyone gets overwhelmed sometimes, and asking for help when necessary is perfectly acceptable. People don’t like to admit that they might need a little assistance here and there, but it is much better to ask for that help right from the start than to pretend like it is not needed. 

When you ask for help, you may also help others admit that they could use a helping hand. Thus, you can create a chain reaction that benefits everyone and helps online instructors know how to serve their pupils better. 

10. Don’t Procrastinate

You have too much going on to procrastinate and put off assignments until the last minute. Suppose you continuously put off assignments until the last minute before they are due. In that case, you are already on a dangerous cycle of procrastination that you need to stop immodest. When people procrastinate like this, they are prolonging the inevitable and adding additional unnecessary stress. Don’t let this happen to you. 

There are many ways to make the most out of virtual learning, and many of them come down to your ability to control your impulses and channel your energy toward making the most of your time. If you feel you have been unable to do this up to this point, please take a moment to review these tips and put some of them into action today.

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