10 Time Management Chart Templates That Can Increase Your Productivity Right Away

Written by Domantas Vanagas

August 16, 2022

Excellent time management is one of the most powerful ways to control your career and advance to the next level. However, not enough people use a time management chart to gauge their trends in efficiency and improve their work success. If you’re one of those individuals, we’re here to help! We have collected 10 unique time management charts that may work for you, depending on bad time management causes and personal needs.

10 Time Management Charts You Should Use

Good time management may have many positive effects that can improve your career and boost your success. Using the following 10 time management charts may help you thrive and improve your overall career. Read each description to learn more about what each chart offers. This way, you can print the option that makes the most sense for your needs.

1. 24-Hour Activity Log

This simple 24-hour activity log includes several headings that you can fill out to track your activities. These include the “Activity Description,” the time you spend each day in the week, the weekly total in minutes, the weekly total in hours, and notes about your time usage.

24 hour activity log template

We like this time management chart because it lets you add whatever activities and includes a note section detailing your important lessons. While we wish it had more specific places to track when you do each activity, we think it’s a good general-use option for most people.

2. Task Tracker

This time management chart is also quite adaptable but includes a few more complex elements that make it better for work-oriented duties. It includes sections for task titles, completion status, priority, start date, due date, percentage of task completion, and comments on each task.

task tracker

The one downside of this chart is that it doesn’t let you track individual hours but rather the start and due date of the task. However, we love that you can rate the priority and the percentage completion, which should give you a good insight into your overall progress.

3. Daily Planner

A time management chart, such as a daily planner, can easily increase your productivity. It should include space for:

  • Individual entries for each day
  • To add the date
  • Task list sections
  • Top priorities
  • Other to-do steps
  • People to talk to
  • Places to visit
  • Things to do another day

While this chart doesn’t include hour-specific sections or tracking time segments, it has huge text boxes for each entry where you could add this information. This gives it a very adaptable nature that makes it useful for personal and career work time management.

4. Employee Schedule

Do you manage or own a business and need a time management chart for multiple employees? This simple downloadable template may work well for you. It includes sheets for each day, spots to add employee names, and sections to place their work hours.

employee schedule template

These sheets include entries for every workday, providing plenty of options for your work needs. You can also add the day’s date and the total work hours expected from each employee during that week. This is an excellent option for people who need help running their businesses.

5. Business Trip Checklist

When you do a lot of business traveling, you may need a time management chart to keep track of your progress. This simple sheet includes your name, destination, departure dates, return dates, travel purpose, tasks to do on the trip, start dates, due dates, and notes for each task to do on your business trip.

business trip checklist as time management chart

We like this chart because it lets you keep track of each task’s status, such as your flight and reservation, and meeting with other people during the trip. It’s a great option for traveling business people who need to prepare expense sheets at the end of their trips.

6. Weekly Schedule

If you want a simple time management chart that you can understand at a glance, this weekly scheduling option should work great. It includes a 24-hour, 7-day arrangement you can use each week. The horizontal top consists of each day of the week, while the vertical breaks down the day into hours.

weekly appointment calendar for time management

While the individual sections for each hour may be small, there should be enough room to describe the task briefly. This option is great for people who want a chart they can put up on their office or cubicle walls and use to track their progress throughout the week.

7. 90-Day Calendar

This option may work well for your needs when you need a more expansive time management chart for your office. It includes six rows for the months in a week and each day. You can fill out this chart as you would a normal calendar, putting in the date and activities you need.

90 day calendar template for time management

This option may work well for an office-wide time management chart or for someone plotting several months ahead of time. It even includes a place to add notes for each week, giving context for the week that can help improve your scheduling for later periods.

8. Project Schedule

Does your business plan and execute several large projects throughout every year? This time management chart may help you. It includes a full year and tracks a project through all phases: development, research, implementation, testing, and creation.

project schedule template for time management

You can block off multiple days for each section to take total control over your projects. The downsides include a lack of hourly progress and a high level of complexity. However, that complexity makes this a great option for serious projects that must be monitored carefully.

9. Weekly Evaluation

Is it important to track your progress and evaluate how well you finish your duties? Some jobs may require these self-evaluations, which makes this chart very useful. It lets you track tasks completed, tasks in progress, things to begin next week, urgent issues, and self-assessment sections.

weekly evaluation template for time management

While this time management charge doesn’t include specific sections for hours or days in your week, it gives you a visual aide to gauge your weekly progress helpfully. The self-assessment section is useful for estimating your progress and ensuring you stay on task.

10. Business Time Study

When examining how you handle business, using this template as your guide through your time study isn’t a bad idea. You can include the activity description and the number of minutes you spend on them during one week and another, examine weekly totals, and leave notes.

10 week planner time management

This slightly more detailed chart is a great option if you need to track your time for a study or when you’re doing a study for your whole business. It lets you break down all your time usage in simple and efficient ways and provides a better understanding of how you and your employees use your time daily.

3 Time Management Statistic Charts

Time management stats are often fascinating to examine because they can showcase why taking these steps seriously is so important. We’ve compiled a few simple time management statistics to help you better understand these important facts. Each link we include showcases these details with various charts and visual aids that make this information easier to understand.

Internet Usage Chart

Did you know that the internet is both a powerful tool for time management and a great time distraction? These time management facts include how over 4.72 billion people around the globe use the internet. The top use for the internet is “finding new information,” which is something 63.3% of users report.

What is surprising is how few people mention using it for work. More people “stay in touch with friends and family” (56.6%) than use the internet for work. Unfortunately, this may mean they are not working or surfing social media instead. That doesn’t mean you have to unhook the internet when you work, but pay close attention to how you use your time.

Time Management Charts May Eliminate Waste

Checking time management statistics can be rather problematic. It finds that nearly 90% of all employees waste part of their working day, with up to 31% wasting between 30-60 minutes, with a further 16% wasting around two hours. Thankfully, time management charts may help.

How? Time management charts can help people track their daily activities and find ways to improve. For instance, they may track two hours of social media use in a typical workday and eliminate this waste by turning off their social media and focusing more on working.

Few People Use Time Management Properly

Another study found that very few people use a proper time management system, with less than 18% having a proper system and 82% having no. This causes almost 30% of all employees to feel behind or rarely under control while working.

This study found that time management techniques like The Eisenhower Matrix, a time management chart, or the Pomodoro Technique helped improve their productivity. In other words, it is better to have any system than none, and a printable chart may give you the control you need to stay on task no matter where you work.


Printing and using a time management chart may help improve your career and provide many other benefits. For instance, you may find ways to improve your overall work efficiency and tighten your schedule in important ways. You may eliminate unnecessary tasks, create better work habits, and even help your office work more efficiently. That’s a major benefit well worth obtaining.

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